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Free Crochet Pattern
Sunshine Cardigan

Can be paired with the rib waist skirt

USA Format


WS.     Wrong Side

RS.      Right Side

ch.       Chain

sc.        Single Crochet

hdc.     Half Double Crochet

dc.       Double Crochet

rpt.      Repeat

sl st.    Slip Stitch

sc group.  (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in same space or stitch

Base of ch. Work in first stitch

ch3 counts as first dc

Size to fit approx - 16 Inch Chest, 0-3 month baby

Finished length from shoulder approx 9.5 Inches
Sleeve length from under arm to cuff 4 Inches


80 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in Color 1

Small amounts of Stylecraft Special DK in Colors 2 & 3


2.85oz of Light Worsted Weight #3 yarn in color 1

Small amounts of Light Worsted Weight #3 in Colors 2 & 3

4.00mm & 5.00mm crochet hooks, 3 buttons

GAUGE - 4dc and 2.5 rows measures approx 1 Inch using 4.00mm hook


Worked in one piece, starting with yoke.

Using 4.00mm hook and color 1 ch55, (RS) 1dc in 4th ch from hook, 1dc in the next 6ch’s (Front), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 8ch’s (shoulder), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 17ch’s (Back), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 8ch’s. (shoulder), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 8ch’s (Front). Turn. (60dc + ch3)

2nd Row - (Inc Row) ch3, * 1dc in each dc to next 3dc group, 1dc in next dc, 3dc in centre dc of 3dc group, * rpt from * to * to last 3dc group, 1dc in next dc, 3dc in centre dc of 3dc group, 1dc in each dc to end, work 1dc in top of ch3. Turn. (68dc + ch3)


3rd to 8th Row - rpt 2nd Row. Turn. (116dc + ch3)


9th Row - (Divide for Armholes) - Change to 5.00mm hook, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each of next 15dc, 2sc in next dc, skip next 24dc, (armhole) 2sc in next dc, 1sc in each of next 16dc, 2sc in next dc, 1sc in each of next 16dc, 2sc in next dc, skip next 24dc, (armhole) 2sc in next dc, 1sc in each of next 15dc, 1sc in top of ch3. Turn. (74sc)

Commence with Skirt -

ch1, 1hdc in base of ch1, skip 1sc, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next sc, * skip 2sc, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next sc, * rpt from * to * to last 2sc, skip 1sc, 1hdc in last sc. Turn. (24sc groups)

Pattern Row - ch1, 1hdc in base of ch1, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next ch2 space,* skip 4sc, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next ch2 space, * rpt from * to * to last 3sc, skip 2sc, 1hdc in last sc. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Row until 10, sc group rows have been worked from yoke. Fasten off.

Work Pattern Row once in color 2, once in color 3 and twice in color 1. Fasten off.

Sleeves x 2 - With RS facing and using 5.00mm hook, join color 1 to centre dc of 3dc group were you divided for armholes underarm, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each of next 24dc around armhole, 1sc in centre dc of 3 on opposite side of sleeve, sl st to first sc on beginning of row to make a circle. Turn. (26sc)

Row 2 - ch1, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in base of ch1, * skip 2sc, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next sc, * rpt from * to * last sc, skip sc, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (9sc groups)

Row 3 - sl st over first 2sc to ch2 space, ch1, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in same ch2 space, * skip 4sc, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next ch2 space, * rpt from * to * to last 2sc, skip sc's, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt Row 3 until 6 sc rows have been worked from yoke. Fasten off.

Work Row 3 once in color 2, once in color 3 and twice in color 1. Fasten off.

Button/Buttonhole Bands - With RS facing, using 4.00mm hook, join color 1 to lower edge of right hand side of front edge, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 39sc evenly in row ends up first front edge, 3sc in corner, 1sc in each ch around neck, 3sc in corner, work 40sc evenly in row ends down second front edge. Turn.

Button Band - ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each sc to corner. Turn. (42sc)

Rpt last row twice. Fasten off.

Buttonhole Row - Working from neck downwards, join color 1 to second front edge, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 43sc evenly down front to corner. Turn.

Next Row - ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each of next 26sc, * ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in next 6sc * rpt from * to * once, ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in last sc. Turn.

(3 Buttonholes made)

Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work one more row of 1sc in each sc and ch2 space to end. Fasten off.

Finishing - Close small gaps underarms, weave in and trim off all loose ends of yarn.

Hope you enjoy this free crochet pattern for a sunshine cardigan.

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Thanking you Heather

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